Man: Created in the image of God
Man, being created "in the image and likeness" of God, is called to reflect the divine traits in his nature. These words in Genesis 1:26 do not provide the key to understanding not only why man was created, but also what his purpose on earth is. God did not create man as just any being, but as a special being, endowed with reason, love, and the ability to live in a relationship. These essential human qualities echo the nature of God Himself—rational, loving, and inherently relational. In this light, humanity is tasked with reflecting the divine image, possessing the insight to discern God's will and the liberty to live accordingly.
Reason, a divine gift, makes it possible for man to discover the world in which he lives, to perceive the truth, and to make decisions in accordance with divine principles. In this sense, man has the responsibility to use reason to discover his will and to apply it in everyday life.
Love is another essential attribute that comes from divine nature. Being capable of love, man is called not only to experience it but also to share it. Love of God and of fellow man thus becomes an integral part of our purpose. God, in His infinite love, created us to live in a relationship - both with Him and with others.
Furthermore, man was created to live in community, not only with God, but also with other people. Communion is an essential feature of the human being, which is reflected in communities and interpersonal relationships. Thus, our purpose is not merely to exist, but to live in harmony with our Creator and with others.
This is the deep meaning of our life: to reflect God's character and will in every aspect of our existence. Therefore, every decision, and every action we take, must be guided by these divine principles that are not rooted in our nature. Understanding and living this purpose helps us find the deep meaning of life, in community with God and with others, thus fulfilling our divine calling.
Fear of God – The Key to Understanding Our Purpose
One of the most important concepts for understanding our purpose in the divine plan is the fear of God. This is not a punitive fear, but a deep reverence and respect for our Creator. Understanding the fear of God is essential to discovering the true meaning of our lives. This fear does not come from fear of punishment, but from an attitude of humility and submission to the divine will, a way of life that recognizes the absolute authority of the Creator. In essence, fearing the Lord means living in obedience and respect to His will.
Psalm 111:10 teaches us that:
“the fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding; all who have it have a wise mind.”
This verse shows us that the fear of God is the key that opens our minds to understand His will and live according to it. It is the beginning of true understanding and the acquisition of divine wisdom, which guides us in fulfilling our purpose on earth. The fear of God not only helps us understand His will, but also guides us to make decisions that reflect divine wisdom. Thus, we not only know what to do, but how to do it, living a life that honors divine principles.
Divine wisdom, as presented to us in Proverbs 1:7, shows us that:
"the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise instruction and reproof."
Here, we see that the fear of God is not just a fear of punishment, but an active choice to live according to His teachings, to listen to Him and learn from Him. This reverence opens the way to wisdom, and those who refuse to learn from God are considered "fools" in the eyes of Scripture, because they ignore their source of true understanding.
Some compare this perspective to the older idea of the fear of the gods, which in various cultures was often associated with the fear of punishment or the need to avoid divine wrath. However, the fear of God, in the biblical understanding, has a deeply spiritual dimension: it is not a paralyzing fear, but a respectful recognition of divine authority. This is what essential fear of God means – an attitude of obedience and devotion to our Creator.
At the same time, it is important to distinguish between the fear of God phobia and the fear of God as described in the Bible. The former may suggest irrational and anxious fear, while Scripture invites us to experience a reverence that brings peace and wisdom. Thus the question arises, "Should you fear God?" The answer is yes, but in a sense of deep respect, not fear of condemnation.
Proverbs 9:10 emphasizes this essential truth:
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding, and the knowledge of the Holy One brings understanding."
So the fear of the Lord is essential to truly understand God's purpose for our lives. Not only do we learn how to make the right choices, but we also gain wisdom that helps us live according to God's will and fulfill our true purpose on earth. When we truly understand the fear of God, it shapes us into individuals who reflect divine truth and principles in all our choices.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 offers a vital lesson for the Christian life:
"The conclusion of all teachings is this: Fear God and follow His commandments, for this is man's duty."
This verse shows us that the fear of God is not just a passive fear, but an active motivation to fulfill His will in our lives. However, Scripture also gives us answers to practical questions, such as: "What does it mean to be a God-fearing woman?" In this context, the woman who lives in the fear of God is described as virtuous, full of wisdom, and able to inspire blessings on her family and community.
Proverbs 22:4 says that 'humble work and the fear of the Lord bring riches, honor, and life.' This verse teaches us that when we honor God and live according to His will, we gain wisdom and experience a life filled with prosperity, honor, and purpose. So, the fear of the Lord isn’t just about gaining understanding, it’s about living a life that’s truly blessed and meaningful.
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Love and human relationships – an essential component of our divine purpose
A core aspect of humanity’s divine purpose is love. Being created in God’s image means we are not only called to reason and responsibility but also to actively live out love in our relationships. In Scripture, love is portrayed not as a passive emotion but as a dynamic force central to God’s plan. Since God’s very nature is love (1 John 4:8), we, as His creation, are invited to reflect this divine quality in the way we live and connect with others.
Love for God and for our neighbor are the fundamental pillars of Christian teaching. In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus emphasizes the two great commandments of God's Law:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is: "To love your neighbor as yourself."
This clearly shows that interpersonal love is closely related to God's love and that both are inseparable. In essence, our divine purpose cannot be fulfilled without learning to love sincerely, deeply, and sacrificially.
Interhuman relations are fundamental in fulfilling this goal. Man was not created to live in isolation, but to live in community. Communion is an essential aspect of being human, reflecting the nature of God, who lives in perfect communion within the Trinity. Thus, man is called to live in harmony with others, and to build relationships based on love, respect, compassion, and mutual support. True love is not just an emotion, but an active choice to give to others, to support them, to forgive, and to build together a life that reflects divine values.
The divine purpose of human relationships is not limited to surface-level connections but is centered on nurturing genuine bonds marked by selfless love and daily acts of care. In every sphere—family, friendship, or work—people are called to embody God's unconditional love, serving as conduits through which it touches others. Love, then, becomes both a destination and a journey, guiding us toward a fuller understanding of God’s plan for our lives and the world we share.
Love for our neighbor is manifested in acts of kindness, in supporting those in need, in forgiveness, and in reconciliation. Through these actions, man fulfills the divine purpose of reflecting the love and goodness of the Creator in every human relationship, thus becoming an active participant in the divine plan.
In searching for the answer to the question "Why did God create man?", we discovered that our divine purpose is closely related to understanding and fulfilling God's will in our lives. Creating man in the image and likeness of God gives us a deep understanding of our purpose: to reflect the divine traits of reason, love, and relationship. The fear of God as presented in the Scriptures is the foundation of our understanding and the key to accessing the divine wisdom that guides us in fulfilling our true destiny.
Fearing God doesn’t mean living in fear or anxiety, but rather showing deep respect for Him, recognizing His authority, and faithfully following His guidance. This reverence inspires us to seek His will and let it guide our choices, shaping a life that reflects His wisdom. In doing so, we approach life’s challenges with a clear sense of purpose, aligning our actions with His divine principles.
Our purpose isn’t simply to exist but to live in alignment with God’s will, reflecting His image in everything we do. Embracing the fear of God and the wisdom it imparts allows us to discover true fulfillment and meaning in life. By following His divine purpose, we can experience a life rich in peace, purpose, and spiritual abundance.