Top Questions from our Community

Discover the most popular questions from the Bible Chat community and explore helpful answers that can guide you on your spiritual journey. Share these insights to help others find the answers they're looking for too.

What are some effective strategies to manage anxiety on a daily basis?

Discover effective strategies for managing daily anxiety. Prayer, meditation, and more!

Updated At: 3/5/2024

Asked 411 times

What Is the right way to pray to God?

Discover the Bible's guidance on how to pray to God effectively with sincerity, faith, and reverence.

Updated At: 9/10/2024

Asked 943 times

What are effective ways to deepen my relationship with God?

Looking to grow in faith? Discover 10 impactful ways to foster a closer relationship with God today!

Updated At: 9/13/2024

Asked 743 times

How to build a stronger faith in the promises of God according to the Bible?

Discover ways to build stronger faith in God's promises with study, prayer, and community support.

Updated At: 9/27/2024

Asked 384 times

Is watching porn a sin?

Curious if watching porn is sinful? Discover biblical perspectives and the impact on spiritual health.

Updated At: 8/24/2024

Asked 352 times

How can we practically apply Jesus invitation to find rest in our daily lives?

Discover how to find peace and relief in daily life through Jesus’ invitation to the weary and burdened.

Updated At: 9/11/2024

Asked 889 times

Who created God?

Discover why the Bible says God is eternal, uncreated, and the source of all existence.

Updated At: 9/23/2024

Asked 228 times

Is cussing a sin?

Wondering if cussing is a sin? Discover what the Bible says about it and how it impacts your faith.

Updated At: 8/23/2024

Asked 395 times

What does the Bible say about dealing with anxiety and worry?

Discover what the Bible says about handling anxiety with trust, prayer, and God's promises.

Updated At: 3/6/2024

Asked 151 times

How can I cast my anxiety on God?

Learn to cast your worries on God with these steps. Trust, pray, and find peace in His control.

Updated At: 3/7/2024

Asked 149 times

How can I pray for protection according to Psalm 91?

Learn to pray for protection with Psalm 91. Trust in God's promises and angelic protection.

Updated At: 6/24/2024

Asked 157 times

How can prayer help me in casting my cares onto God in my daily life?

Discover how prayer can help you cast your daily burdens onto God and find true peace.

Updated At: 6/25/2024

Asked 156 times

personal growth
How can I forgive others?

Discover steps to forgive deeply, heal, and follow God's command in a practical, heartfelt way.

Updated At: 6/26/2024

Asked 118 times

personal growth
How can I be a better boyfriend or girlfriend?

Discover tips to be a better boyfriend or girlfriend: love, honesty, respect, purity, and support!

Updated At: 6/27/2024

Asked 114 times

personal growth
How can I be a good friend?

Discover how to be a good friend with biblical advice on love, loyalty, and care. Learn more here!

Updated At: 6/28/2024

Asked 104 times

personal growth
How can I improve myself by developing a Christ-like character?

Discover practical steps to develop a Christ-like character: study the Bible, practice love, and more.

Updated At: 6/29/2024

Asked 91 times

personal growth
How to apply resilience in overcoming obstacles every day?

Learn how to apply faith-based resilience to overcome life's challenges with strength and hope.

Updated At: 6/30/2024

Asked 88 times

How can faith in God's limitless power impact our Day-to-Day Lives?

Discover how faith in God's limitless power boosts courage, peace, purpose, and resilience daily.

Updated At: 9/25/2024

Asked 710 times

How to pray for financial prosperity and abundance in life?

Discover how to pray for financial prosperity, seek God’s provision, and align with His will today!

Updated At: 8/8/2024

Asked 278 times

What are some examples of forgiveness in the Bible?

Discover key Bible stories of forgiveness and learn about God's mercy and grace in relationships.

Updated At: 5/14/2024

Asked 219 times

Is drinking alcohol a sin?

Discover what the Bible says about drinking alcohol and if it's considered a sin. Dive in now!

Updated At: 8/24/2024

Asked 302 times

personal growth
What practices should I adopt at the start of my spiritual journey?

Just beginning your spiritual journey? Discover essential practices to grow your relationship with God.

Updated At: 5/10/2024

Asked 64 times

personal growth
What does the Bible say about self-love and self-care?

Discover what the Bible teaches about self-love, self-care, and balancing both in a Christ-centered life.

Updated At: 5/11/2024

Asked 62 times

personal growth
How can we find comfort in knowing that there is a greater plan for our lives?

Discover how trusting in God's sovereignty and goodness can bring comfort and peace to your life.

Updated At: 5/12/2024

Asked 108 times

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