What Does the Bible Say About Dating? God’s Plan for Relationships

Updated on Feb 26 202510 min read
what does the bible say about dating

There are plenty of teachings in the Bible about marriage and family life. But what about dating? The Bible does not specifically mention dating, but it provides principles for relationships, emphasizing love, purity, and wisdom. 

It encourages seeking God first (Matthew 6:33), choosing a partner who shares the same faith (2 Corinthians 6:14), and maintaining sexual purity (1 Corinthians 6:18). Love should be patient, kind, and selfless (1 Corinthians 13:4-5), and individuals are advised to guard their hearts (Proverbs 4:23) and seek wise counsel (Proverbs 11:14). 

Ultimately, relationships should be approached with the goal of marriage in mind (Proverbs 18:22), aligning with God’s design for companionship and commitment. But let’s look a bit closer at what the Bible says about a few specific situations.

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What Does the Bible Say About Dating a Non-Believer

The Bible does not explicitly forbid dating a non-believer, but it strongly advises against marriage between a believer and a non-believer (1 Corinthians 7:39, 2 Corinthians 6:14). Since dating, when approached biblically, is meant to lead to marriage, pursuing a relationship with an unbeliever is considered unwise and potentially disobedient. 

The core issue lies in the fundamental spiritual differences between a Christian and a non-Christian. Believers are called to live by God’s truth, serve Him, and pursue holiness, while non-believers have different priorities and worldviews (2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 8:6-9). The Bible warns against being “unequally yoked” (2 Corinthians 6:14) because such relationships can lead to spiritual friction, compromise, and struggles in faith. 

Many Christians justify dating non-believers by hoping to evangelize their partner, but this approach risks emotional attachment influencing faith decisions rather than genuine conviction. While Scripture encourages believers to share their faith (Matthew 28:19-20), it does not endorse romantic relationships as a means of evangelism. 

Trusting God’s wisdom, believers are called to honor Him in relationships, seeking a partner who shares their faith and commitment to Christ. Although the fear of loneliness or missing out on love can be real, God promises to guide and provide for those who trust Him (Psalm 84:11).

What Does the Bible Say About Dating Before Marriage

The Bible only recognizes three types of romantic relationships: singleness, engagement (betrothal), and marriage. Dating, as we know it today, is not mentioned in Scripture. The closest reference is in John 4:18, where Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that the man she was with was not her husband, highlighting that she was in a relationship outside of marriage.

Some argue that dating wasn’t common in biblical times, but God's standards for relationships remain the same. The Bible teaches us how to honor our bodies, respect others, and avoid sexual immorality. 

Throughout Scripture, God emphasizes covenant relationships—formal, lifelong commitments. He acknowledges and blesses marriage (Hebrews 13:4), but temporary boyfriend-girlfriend relationships have no biblical foundation. Any relationship involving sex outside of marriage is considered dishonorable and will be judged by God.

Many people today date for fun, out of boredom, to satisfy personal desires, or to seek validation. Unfortunately, many do not date with the goal of marriage in mind. For some, dating has become a cycle of trying different partners without true commitment. 

This mindset does not align with God’s nature, as He values covenant and faithfulness. He does not treat us as disposable, so we should not treat relationships that way. God desires meaningful, committed relationships that reflect His love and faithfulness, making marriage the only romantic relationship He fully honors.

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What Does the Bible Say About Living Together Before Marriage?

While sharing a house is not inherently sinful, the Catholic Church has strong objections to cohabitation, defined as living together while having sexual relations outside of marriage. This is because the practice exposes all couples who live together before marriage to mortal sin, which hurts their spiritual lives and their relationship with Jesus Christ.

The sanctity of one another and the continuation of life are the two principles that sacramental marriage emphasizes to its members. Before entering into matrimony, a couple is already violating one of the two principles of marriage if they knowingly put themselves in a position where they can knowingly commit deadly sin

Two people's desires to offer themselves completely to another person is not inherently incorrect; the issue arises when they attempt to combine this gift with the partial and ultimately non-committal nature of cohabitation. 

Therefore, it is not living together per se that isn’t permitted by the Bible, but the pitfalls it can lead us to are better avoided by only moving in together after marriage.

What Does the Bible Say About Dating Someone With a Child?

While Mary was still a pregnant woman, Joseph felt a divine calling to welcome her into his house and heart. Even in the best of times, especially in this modern society, raising children demands a tremendous level of selflessness. But there's more to sacrifice when you're a parent to children who aren't your own. An entirely new degree of altruism is required.

This compassion is exemplified by St. Joseph. He disregarded his personal fears and concerns and went along with God's plan to have a family with Mary, his wife. There would certainly be many difficulties in such a romantic partnership, but there would also be plenty of chances for happiness. Why would God reject a man or woman who is legally able to marry only because they had a child, if, as Catholics believe, children are a blessing from on high?

God has a purpose for your life that includes finding a partner. As with any endeavor, we must exercise caution in imposing excessive constraints on the actual manifestation of that design. If you find yourself judging all potential partners too harshly, it would be wise to seek God's will through prayer. This will help you open up to the perfect plan that God has for your life.

We embrace every child as a precious gift. While it's true that not all children are born into happy homes, that should never diminish their worth as a member of a married couple's family. 

What Does the Bible Say About Dating as a Teenager?

The Bible does not specifically mention teenage dating, but it does give important principles about relationships, purity, and wisdom. One of the main concerns with teen dating is maturity. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Young people are still growing emotionally and spiritually, and dating too early can lead to heartbreak, temptation, or distractions from God’s plan.

Another important principle is purity. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 warns against sexual immorality and encourages self-control. Many dating relationships today include physical intimacy that should only happen in marriage. God calls Christians to honor Him with their bodies and emotions, so dating without clear boundaries can lead to sin and regret.

Teen dating should also be done with wisdom and guidance. Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” It’s important for teens to seek advice from parents, mentors, and God’s Word before entering a relationship.

Instead of rushing into dating, teenagers should focus on growing in their faith, building strong friendships, and preparing for the future. If dating is pursued, it should be done with maturity, purity, and a desire to honor God.

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What Does the Bible Say About Dating After Divorce?

Based on what Jesus states in Matthew 19:3–12, divorce was only allowed by Moses due to the hardness of human hearts, not because it was in God's original purpose for humanity. In 1 Corinthians 7:10–11, Paul instructs the Corinthians on marital matters and makes it crystal clear that the Lord forbids spouses from divorcing or separating, but that if they do, they "should remain unmarried or else be reconciled." 

On rare occasions, God says it's the only alternative, and then the believer is "free" to end the marriage rather than try to win over their unbelieving partner. When one partner in a marriage refuses to believe and acts in a way that is harmful to the other, such as engaging in sexual or adulterous activities, abusing their partner, or leaving the relationship altogether, this can lead to problems. 

Remarriage is never implied or approved, even in "biblical" divorces, even though such situations are permissible. Truthfully, being single is praised by God as a blessing and an occasion for happiness (1 Corinthians 7:1, 7-8,26-34,38). Rather than praising God for his holiness and grandeur, we have idolized our own pleasure and prosperity. 

No amount of avoiding one sin (like lust) can make us rationalize another evil (remarriage after divorce). Our necessities are met by God. Despite the temptations that come with being single after a divorce, we can find strength in the Lord's provision, fellowship, and strength (1 Corinthians 10:13).  

What Does the Bible Say About Dating Multiple People?

God values commitment in relationships, and dating multiple people at once can lead to confusion and hurt feelings.

Matthew 6:24 says, “No one can serve two masters.” While this refers to devotion to God, it also applies to relationships—divided affections can make it difficult to build trust and sincerity. The Bible calls for love that is patient, kind, and selfless (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). Dating several people at the same time can become more about personal satisfaction rather than genuine care for others.

God also calls believers to honor Him in their relationships. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 warns against sexual immorality and encourages self-control. When someone dates multiple people, they may face temptations that make it harder to stay pure.

Instead of casual dating, the Bible encourages intentional relationships built on respect and honesty. Romans 12:10 reminds believers to “love one another with brotherly affection” and to treat others with kindness. Dating should be approached with a clear purpose, leading toward a committed, God-honoring relationship rather than treating it as entertainment.

What Does the Bible Say About Interracial Dating?

The Israelites are commanded in Deuteronomy 7:1-6 to wipe off the entire Canaanite population and not to marry into their families, as doing so would cause them to "turn your sons away from following Me, that they may serve other gods." This verse restates the core theme of 2 Corinthians 6:14.

In Numbers 12:1–15, we read that Aaron and Miriam were chastised for speaking out against Moses' mixed-race marriage. Also beautifully chronicled in the book of Ruth is the tale of a foreigner who joined Christ's familial line. According to Matthew 1, the harlot Rahab, who was from a different nation as well, is included in Christ's genealogy. From God's point of view, we are all one in Christ, as stated clearly in Colossians 3:11.

The Bible makes it quite clear that interracial marriage is perfectly OK as long as both partners are believers. When a Christian couple is thinking about tying the knot, they should pray about it and think about how it will affect their culture, family, community, and future generations. Many types of differences may be well-accommodated by a loving Christian relationship. 

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Relationships and partnerships are clearly meant to lead to marriage and a family according to the Bible. While dating is a modern issue that requires modern solutions, we can learn from Scripture about how to navigate it in God’s way.

If you choose to date, remember to value loyalty and honesty, and to do so with the intention of marriage in mind. Moreover, be prepared to face the hardest hurdle for any believer when it comes to dating, which is sexual immorality.

God wants us to find someone, but not at any expense. Being single will always be preferred to falling into sin, so when you enter romantic relationships, make sure they are the right thing for you and your faith. It is between you and God who and what is right for you when it comes to dating, as long as you don’t give in to sin.

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