Understanding Biblical Teachings: Law, Divine Authority, and Temperance

Updated on Jan 03 20245 min read

The teachings of the Bible have long served as a compass for moral and ethical behavior, providing guidance on how to live a life that is pleasing to God. This article delves into three significant topics that are frequently discussed in Biblical discourse: the law and its fulfillment through Christ, the demonstration of God's power over creation, and the nuanced Biblical perspective on drinking alcohol. Each of these areas offers insights into the character of God, the expectations for His followers, and the overarching narrative of redemption found throughout the scriptures.

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Upholding the Law According to the Bible

In the Biblical context, the law is not merely a set of rules but a framework intended to lead towards righteousness. The apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 6:10, enumerates behaviors such as thievery, greed, and drunkenness, which are seen as being incompatible with inheriting the kingdom of God. Yet, the purpose of the law extends beyond prohibition; as Jesus himself declares in Matthew 5:17, He came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. This fulfillment is echoed in Romans 13:8-10, which speaks of love as the essence of the law, for loving others encompasses all commandments. The New Testament further reveals that the law acts as a tutor, leading us to Christ, who empowers us to meet its righteous requirements as highlighted in Galatians 3:24-25 and Romans 8:3-4. The transformation brought about by Christ is such that the law is written on our hearts, allowing us to live out its principles through the Spirit, as mentioned in Hebrews 8:10.

The Power of God Over Creation

The Bible is replete with instances where God's sovereignty over creation is unmistakably displayed. One of the most striking examples is found in Joshua 10:12-13, where Joshua commands the sun and moon to stop in their paths, and they obey, showcasing the Lord's power over the very heavens. The psalmist also contributes to this theme in Psalm 19:1-2, where the skies are said to proclaim the glory of God, signaling His handiwork in the vast expanse above us. Similarly, in Romans 1:20, the creation is a testament to God's eternal power and divine nature. These narratives are not just historical accounts but also serve to remind us of our position in relation to the Creator, as seen in Psalm 8:3-4, where human insignificance is contrasted with the majesty of the heavens. The Book of Job, particularly in chapter 38, further emphasizes this point, with God Himself challenging Job to consider the order and complexity of the universe.

Drinking in the Bible

When it comes to the topic of drinking, the Bible does not shy away from addressing the matter with clarity and balance. While not prohibiting drinking outright, scripture frequently warns against the perils of drunkenness. In Ephesians 5:18, the apostle Paul cautions against being drunk with wine, which leads to debauchery, and instead advocates for being filled with the Spirit. This Spirit-led life resonates with the themes of renewal and worship found in biblical scripture, as we seek to embrace new beginnings and the joyous expression of music in worship. The writer of Proverbs also warns in Proverbs 20:1 that wine can mock and strong drink can rage, suggesting that wisdom lies in moderation. Despite these warnings, the Bible also acknowledges the presence of alcohol in its cultural context. The miracle of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in John 2:1-11 is a well-known story that illustrates this. Paul even recommends a little wine for medicinal purposes in 1 Timothy 5:23. But overarching these references is the call for self-control, a fruit of the Spirit highlighted in Galatians 5:22-23, and the wisdom of temperance as shown in Titus 2:2-3 and Proverbs 31:4-5.


Throughout the Biblical narrative, we find that the law, the power of God over creation, and the approach to drinking are not isolated teachings but part of a cohesive understanding of a life lived in accordance with divine will. The law, as fulfilled by Christ, calls us to a higher standard of love. The stories of God's dominion over nature remind us of His omnipotence and our humble place within His creation. And the guidance regarding alcohol consumption seeks to protect us from excess while acknowledging its place in society. As we seek to apply these teachings in our daily lives, we discover the wisdom of the scriptures that leads us toward spiritual growth and moral integrity. Let us, therefore, draw near to the Word of God, allowing it to shape our decisions and actions each day.


Q: What does it say about drinking in the Bible?
A: The Bible warns against drunkenness and encourages moderation. In Ephesians 5:18, it says, \"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.\" Proverbs 20:1 also cautions that \"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.\"

Q: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Where is this found in the Bible?
A: This verse is from Psalm 19:1-2. It poetically expresses how the heavens communicate God's majesty and artistry day and night, revealing knowledge of His glory.

Q: Who told the sun and moon to stop moving, and where is it described in the Bible?
A: Joshua spoke to the Lord and commanded the sun and the moon to stand still in Joshua 10:12-13. This event occurred during Israel's battle with the Amorites.

Q: Does the Bible say that Jesus came to uphold the law?
A: Yes, Jesus said in Matthew 5:17, \"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.\" This indicates that Jesus' teachings were not meant to do away with the law but to complete its purpose.

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