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Reflecting on the Sanctity of Life, Judgment, and Righteousness: A Biblical Perspective

Updated on Dec 14 20234 min read

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In the fabric of Christian doctrine, the Ten Commandments have long served as the bedrock of moral guidance. Among these divine edicts, 'You shall not murder' is a commandment that has profound implications on contemporary issues, including the debate on abortion. As society grapples with ethical dilemmas, it's crucial to revisit the scriptures to seek wisdom and clarity. The Bible not only provides a moral framework but also addresses the eventual judgment of our deeds and the very condition of our hearts. This article explores the biblical views on the sanctity of life, the role of commandments in judgment, and the promise of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Table Of Contents
  1. The Bible's View on the Sanctity of Life
  2. Judgment and Righteousness in Christian Belief
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQ

The Bible's View on the Sanctity of Life

The principle 'You shall not murder' (Exodus 20:13) is a clear testament to the value that the Bible places on life. This commandment is often brought into discussions on abortion, with many Christians seeing it as a prohibition against the taking of innocent life. The sanctity of life is further underscored in passages such as Jeremiah 1:5, which speaks of God's knowledge of us even before we are formed in the womb, and Psalm 139:13-16, where the psalmist marvels at being knit together by God's hand. These scriptures suggest a divine involvement in the creation of life that begins at conception, presenting a strong case for the protection of the unborn. However, the conversation around abortion is complex, involving considerations of compassion and care for those facing difficult decisions. The church's role extends beyond judgment to providing support and guidance, as reflected in the merciful character of Jesus Himself.

Judgment and Righteousness in Christian Belief

On the final day, Christians believe that judgment will be meted out according to God's righteousness. The Apostle Paul, in Romans 14:10-12, speaks of every person standing before Christ's judgment seat, accountable for their actions. Jesus Himself, in Matthew 25:31-32, describes a day of separation, akin to a shepherd dividing his sheep from the goats, where individuals will be judged based on their deeds and the intentions of their hearts. Yet, it is not by deeds alone that salvation is attained, for John 3:16-17 promises eternal life to those who believe in Christ. These scriptures affirm the importance of both faith and obedience in the Christian walk, a balance that ultimately hinges on the grace of God, as stated in Ephesians 2:8-9. The commandments, then, serve as a mirror to our sinful nature and a guide towards righteousness through faith.


As we consider the complexities of moral and ethical dilemmas through a biblical lens, we are reminded of the enduring relevance of the Ten Commandments. These ancient precepts continue to offer a foundation for understanding the sanctity of life, the nature of sin, and the promise of redemption. The scriptures encourage us to reflect on our lives in anticipation of the day when we shall give an account before the throne of Christ. With this in mind, we are called to live out our faith with integrity, compassion, and a steadfast hope in the grace afforded to us through Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice opens the door to eternal life for all who believe.


Q: What does the Bible say about the sanctity of life?
A: The Bible affirms the sanctity of life through the commandment 'You shall not murder' (Exodus 20:13) and through scriptures that suggest life begins at conception, such as Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:13-16.

Q: How will we be judged on the last day according to the Bible?
A: The Bible teaches that on the last day, individuals will be judged by Christ based on their deeds, faith, and heart's condition, as seen in Romans 14:10-12 and Matthew 25:31-32. Faith in Jesus Christ is paramount for salvation (John 3:16-17).

Q: What is the significance of the commandments in Christian belief?
A: The commandments serve as a reflection of God's righteous standards and a guide to living a life pleasing to God. Jesus affirmed the importance of the commandments and taught that the greatest commandments are to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-40).

Q: Does the Bible address the issue of coveting?
A: Yes, the commandment 'You shall not covet' (Exodus 20:17) addresses the sin of covetousness, and the Bible calls for contentment and trust in God's provision (Hebrews 13:5; 1 Timothy 6:6-7).

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