Names of the Apostles: Who They Were and Why They Matter Today

Updated on Feb 26 202510 min read

The twelve apostles were the closest followers of Jesus Christ. They were ordinary men—fishermen, tax collectors, and others—whom Jesus called to help spread his teachings. Each of them had a unique role in Jesus’ ministry and the early church. Some, like Peter, became leaders, while others, like John, wrote important parts of the Bible. 

The apostles were not perfect, and many struggled with doubts and fears. However, their faith and dedication helped shape Christianity as we know it today. This article explores each of these men, their lives, and their impact on the Christian faith. It also includes Paul, who, though not one of the original twelve, became one of the most influential figures in early Christianity.

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What Is an Apostle

Despite their frequent interchangeability, the words apostle and disciple do not mean the same thing. The Bible describes a disciple as a "learner," someone who joined the community of followers who received Torah teachings from Jesus. While all of the apostles were once disciples, only a select few rose to that unique position.

In the New Testament church, an apostle had a unique position. Apostle literally means "one who is sent." On a technical level, though, an apostle was not only a messenger. He was given the power to represent and speak on behalf of the One who sent him. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ Himself is the chief apostle. The Father sent Him, and He spoke with the authority that the Father had given Him. Abandoning Jesus meant turning your back on the Father, who sent Him.

In the same way, Christ spoke with the authority of His apostles because He personally called and commissioned them. It was a rejection of Christ's authority, who sent the apostles, to reject their authority. 

How Many Apostles Did Jesus Have

“The Synaxis of the Holy and the Most Praiseworthy Twelve Apostles”, 14th century, Pushkin Museum (photo: Public Domain)

The New Testament mentions the commissioning of twelve disciples as apostles. According to what we read in Acts, after Judas died, the church chose Matthias to fill the position. Paul, appointed by Jesus to be an apostle to the Gentiles, was added to this group. 

Paul's apostleship was controversial as he did not fulfill every one of the criteria for apostleship outlined in Acts. The three requirements for being an apostle were as follows: (1) being a follower of Jesus during His time on earth, (2) seeing the Resurrection firsthand, and (3) being called and commissioned by Christ himself. Although he saw a vision of the risen Christ after Jesus' ascension, Paul was never one of his disciples. 

Paul, unlike the other apostles, did not see the Resurrection firsthand. Christ, however, appointed Paul to the position immediately. His fellow apostles supported his call, and the miracles God worked through him proved his apostleship and his authority as a revelation agent for the church.

The post-apostolic fathers acknowledged their inferiority to the original Apostles before the end of the first century. No one can be confirmed by the original Apostles like Paul was or fulfill the biblical requirements for the position of apostle, hence there are no recognized apostles living today. For modern-day Christians, the Bible is the final word on Apostolic matters.

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What Are the Names of the 12 Apostles

There is no better way to understand why the 12 apostles are so significant in Christian history than by looking at each of them individually. There is more information in the Bible about some than others, but the fact remains that they are all listed as apostles and were greatly important in carrying His word.


Peter, originally named Simon, was a fisherman before Jesus called him. He was impulsive and outspoken but became a strong leader in the early church. He is best known for walking on water, denying Jesus three times, and delivering a powerful speech at Pentecost. 

Jesus nicknamed him "Cephas" or "Peter," meaning "rock," symbolizing his role in building the church. Tradition says he was the first pope and was crucified upside down under Emperor Nero. Though he didn’t write a gospel, many believe the Gospel of Mark is based on his teachings.

James (Son of Zebedee)

James, also called James the Greater, was one of Jesus’ closest disciples, alongside Peter and John. He and his brother John were nicknamed “Sons of Thunder” due to their fiery nature. He was present at key events like the Transfiguration. 

James was the first apostle to be martyred, executed by Herod Agrippa I. Though tradition says he preached in Spain, his body is believed to be buried in Santiago de Compostela, making it a major pilgrimage site.


John, the brother of James, was also part of Jesus’ inner circle. He is traditionally believed to be the “Beloved Disciple” mentioned in the Gospel of John. He wrote five books in the New Testament, including the Gospel of John and Revelation. 

He took care of Jesus’ mother after the crucifixion and outlived the other apostles. Unlike most of the Twelve, John is believed to have died of old age, having spent time in exile on the island of Patmos.


Andrew, Peter’s brother, was originally a disciple of John the Baptist before following Jesus. He is known for bringing Peter to Jesus and for playing a role in the feeding of the 5,000. Though not as prominent as Peter, he was an early missionary. Tradition states that he was crucified on an X-shaped cross in Greece, preaching to the crowd as he died.


Philip was from Bethsaida, like Peter and Andrew. He is known for introducing Nathanael (Bartholomew) to Jesus and questioning how to feed the 5,000. He also asked Jesus to show them God the Father, leading to one of Jesus’ key teachings. 

Traditions about his death vary, with some saying he was crucified upside down and others that he died of natural causes.

Bartholomew (Nathanael)

Bartholomew is believed to be the same person as Nathanael, who was skeptical about Jesus at first but later proclaimed him the Son of God. He is mentioned alongside Philip in the gospels. According to tradition, he was flayed alive and beheaded for his faith, though other accounts say he was crucified.


Matthew, also known as Levi, was a tax collector before following Jesus. His profession made him despised by fellow Jews, but Jesus called him regardless. He is traditionally credited with writing the Gospel of Matthew. Accounts of his death vary—some say he was martyred, while others suggest he died of old age.


Thomas is best known for doubting Jesus’ resurrection until he saw and touched Jesus’ wounds. His story highlights the importance of faith. According to tradition, Thomas traveled to India to spread Christianity and was martyred there by being pierced with a spear.

James (Son of Alphaeus)

This James is sometimes called James the Less. The Bible provides little information about him, and he is often confused with James the brother of Jesus. Some traditions say he was martyred by being thrown from the temple and then beaten to death.

Jude (Thaddeus)

Jude, also known as Thaddeus or Judas son of James, is credited with asking Jesus a question during the Last Supper. He is sometimes linked with the writer of the Epistle of Jude. Traditions say he preached in Mesopotamia and Persia and was martyred there.

Simon the Zealot

Simon is called “the Zealot,” which could mean he was part of a revolutionary group or was simply passionate about Jewish law. The Bible gives no details about his life or ministry. Traditions about his death vary widely—some say he was martyred in Persia, while others claim he died peacefully.

Judas Iscariot

Judas is infamous for betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. After realizing his mistake, he tried to return the money and later died—either by hanging himself or falling to his death. His role in Jesus’ arrest fulfilled the prophecy, but he remains a symbol of betrayal.

Matthias (Replacement for Judas)

Matthias was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot among the Twelve. He had followed Jesus from the beginning and witnessed the resurrection. The Bible says little else about him, and traditions about his ministry and death vary.


Paul, originally named Saul, was not one of the Twelve but became one of the most important apostles. He was a Pharisee who persecuted Christians until he had a vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus. 

After converting, he dedicated his life to spreading Christianity, especially among non-Jews. He wrote many letters that form much of the New Testament. Paul traveled extensively, enduring persecution, imprisonment, and hardship for his faith. 

Tradition says he was beheaded in Rome under Emperor Nero. His teachings shaped Christian theology and continue to influence believers today.

Where in the Bible Were the Apostles Mentioned?

Now that you know who each of the apostles was, let’s take a look at where in the Bible you can find a mention of their names and information about each of them individually.

The Lists of the Twelve Apostles:

Matthew 10:2-4

"These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him."

Mark 3:16-19

"These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter), James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means 'sons of thunder'); Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him."

Luke 6:13-16

"When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: Simon (whom he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot, Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor."

Acts 1:13-26 (After Judas Iscariot’s death and Matthias' selection)

"Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers."

Later in Acts 1:26, Matthias is chosen to replace Judas Iscariot.

Key Passages About Individual Apostles:

  • Peter: Matthew 16:16-19, John 21:15-19, Acts 2:14-41
  • James (son of Zebedee): Mark 10:35-40, Acts 12:2
  • John: John 19:26-27, Revelation 1:1
  • Andrew: John 1:40-42, John 6:8-9
  • Philip: John 1:43-46, John 14:8-9
  • Bartholomew (Nathanael): John 1:45-49
  • Matthew (Levi): Matthew 9:9-13, Mark 2:14-17
  • Thomas: John 20:24-29
  • James (son of Alphaeus): Mark 15:40 (possibly as "James the Less")
  • Jude (Thaddeus): John 14:22
  • Simon the Zealot: No direct stories, but listed in the apostolic lists.
  • Judas Iscariot: Matthew 26:14-16, Matthew 27:3-5
  • Matthias (Replacement for Judas): Acts 1:21-26
  • Paul (later apostle): Acts 9:1-19, Acts 13:9, 2 Timothy 4:6-8

Final Thoughts

The apostles played an important role in spreading Jesus’ teachings and establishing the early Christian church. Though they were ordinary people, their faith and dedication made an extraordinary impact. Each had strengths and weaknesses, but together, they carried Jesus’ message to the world. 

Many suffered persecution and died for their beliefs, but their legacy continues today. Their stories remind us that faith is about perseverance, growth, and commitment. Whether leading churches, writing scriptures, or traveling as missionaries, the apostles laid the foundation for Christianity. Their example encourages believers to spread love, truth, and faith in their own lives.

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