The Second Coming of Jesus: What Every Christian Should Know

Updated on Nov 15 202410 min read
Image depicting the Second Coming of Jesus, showing Him walking toward a bright, heavenly light

The return of Jesus has intrigued and inspired Christians throughout history. In the Bible, He often spoke about His second coming, reassuring His disciples that He would return, though the exact time remains unknown. 

This article explores the biblical references to Jesus' return, examines His words on the topic, and explains the signs of the end times He provided. By understanding these signs and what the Bible teaches about His return, believers can find hope and encouragement amid life’s uncertainties.

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When Is Jesus Coming Back?

Jesus reassured His disciples by repeating, "I am coming quickly" four times in the book of Revelation: 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20. Knowing that He will come soon might bring consolation and strength to His people amid their struggles.

The eternal God, however, views time differently. Can we be sure that what He calls shortly will also be our call soon on this day?

For that, we need to understand the signs he provided.

Jesus shocked his followers by asking, “Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down” (Matthew 24:2) as they marveled at the magnificent temple complex that King Herod the Great had been restoring with its enormous stones.

Because of this, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus' followers approached Him and whispered:

“Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3).

Jesus Christ provided answers to various questions throughout Matthew 24. In order to establish God's kingdom on Earth, He laid down a series of prerequisites that must be fulfilled before His return.

The trends He foretold are taking shape, and many of the events that preceded them have already occurred. But that's not all. Neither the Great Tribulation nor the abomination of desolation have been set up.

In Matthew 24:29–31, 1 Corinthians 15:52, and Revelation 11:15, Jesus said that heavenly signs would come "after the tribulation" and that He would return at the tremendous sound of a trumpet, which is either the last or seventh trumpet. There is no evidence in the Bible to support the idea that Christ will secretly return before the tribulation period begins. Actually, the reverse is true according to biblical teachings.

According to Revelation 11:2-3 and 12:14, we can determine that Christ's return is at least three and a half years away before the Great Tribulation period starts.

What Year Will Jesus Return?

No one can tell us with certainty when Jesus will come back. Neither the angels in heaven nor anyone else knows the exact time, as Jesus warned his followers and us:

"But of that day and hour no one knows" (Matthew 24:36).

The precise moment is unknown to us. He would rather us not know. The idea is that people should long for this moment and await it with prayer and patience. Therefore, no exact year will ever be provided for his return, despite many trying to make predictions in the past.

What Is The Purpose of the Second Coming of Jesus?

The Christian concept of the Second Coming refers to Christ's glorification and eventual return to earth to establish his kingdom, punish his adversaries, and reward his faithful, both living and dead. 

Most Christian theologians since the early church have held the view that Jesus' visible return might happen at any time and that Christians should be prepared for it, just as the early Christians did.

What does the second coming of Christ mean, and why does Jesus need to come again? Firstly, for His own sake. The Bible illustrates God’s deep love for His Son, preparing a marriage supper for the Lamb, awaiting the union of Christ with His church. Just as a bridegroom longs for his bride, Jesus waits in heaven, praying for us while preparing a place for His followers.

Secondly, His return will fulfill uncompleted prophecies from the Old Testament, vindicating God’s Word. Prophecies about crushing Satan, uniting all families through Abraham, and establishing peace all await fulfillment through Christ’s return. His coming will complete every promise, including bringing joy and justice to a world often marred by suffering.

Thirdly, Jesus comes for His church, to bring us comfort and transform our frail bodies into glorious ones like His. Paul encourages believers with this hope of reunion and transformation, promising that Christ’s return will end sorrow and replace it with eternal joy.

Finally, Jesus will judge the nations, restore Israel, and destroy Satan’s works. His arrival will bring global peace, with nations turning weapons into tools for prosperity. Satan’s influence, currently seen in deception and evil, will be overthrown, and the earth will rejoice in righteousness under Christ’s reign.

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What Will Happen When Jesus Returns?

Neither the well-off nor the intellectually privileged are to be excluded from the knowledge of the Second Coming. Many Christian communities used to think it was symbolic or happening just on a spiritual level, but that's not the case. The event portrayed in Scripture is and will continue to be literal.

  • A cloud will carry Jesus down to earth.
  • When Jesus returns to the cloud, the righteous dead will also ascend from the graves.
  • Ascending to the clouds with Jesus, those who believe will "always be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 ESV).

This is believed by Adventists in its most basic form. After his crucifixion, Jesus will float back to earth on a cloud. He refuses to touch the surface of the ground. As we are all "caught up together" in the air, the dead in Christ will rise up with Him, and the living will follow soon after (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

The fact that Jesus' return will be seen is further confirmed in Acts 1:11, where an angel spoke to His followers after they had seen His ascension. He will “come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven” (ESV).

What Happens During The Rapture?

Studying the end times is known as eschatology. Eschatology encompasses a wide range of topics, including the Second Coming and the Rapture. Because of the frequent schisms that arise among Christians over contentious issues like the Rapture, many believers avoid devoting significant time to studying these teachings. 

The doctrines of the Rapture and the Second Advent are often mistaken for one and the same, but the Bible clearly distinguishes between the two. It is our duty as believers to study the truths given in God's Word, including the Eschatological events, even though there are differing opinions on these matters.

What Is The Rapture?

First Thessalonians 4:13–18 is where Paul discusses the rapture of the church. Rapturo, borrowed from the Latin version of the Bible, is the root of the English word rapture. "Rapturo" means "caught up" in English, while its Greek counterpart, Harpazo, indicates the same thing. 

What is commonly referred to be the Second Coming of Christ and the Rapture of the Church are distinct events. The catching away of believers before the Tribulation begins is what the Rapture is all about (1 Thess. 4:13–17), but the Second Advent is all about Christ returning to Earth after the seven-year Tribulation (Zech. 14:4). 

Moreover, according to Rev. 19:14, the Second Advent occurs when Jesus returns to Earth with His church, but the Rapture occurs when Jesus returns for the church. According to 1 Thess. 1:10 and Matthew 23:37–39, God has a plan to rescue his Church through the Rapture, and his plan to rescue Israel is the Second Advent. 

After rescuing His church from danger in the Rapture, Christ will return in the Second Advent to wipe out evil and set up His Millennial Kingdom.

Will Everyone Die When Jesus Comes Back?

This is a question that a lot of Christians have wondered about. This is what Christians on Quora have had to say on the topic:

Reggie Hammons says: “Some true Christians may die from trauma, persecution and other reasons doing the Great Tribulation. We know that “the days will be cut short because of the chosen ones.”

This leaves me to believe that the anointed chosen ones at some point will die. They must take their station to return to the earth with the Lord of lords and King of kings.

As for as the rest on the earth? They've come out of the great tribulation, the great crowd that John was shown.

These are Jehovah's people that “have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. They cry out salvation we owe to our God (Jehovah)and to the Lamb (Jesus).

It's a few things that we can't dogmaticly say but we will just wait on Jehovah and see!

Work hard along with your prayers and faith, and see yourself there.”

Peter Rossa says “The Saints go to heaven of course where they rule over the Earth with Jesus for the 1000 years. They are the bricks of Ezekiel's third temple with Jesus being the Chief Cornerstone.

Now Jesus and his Saints will not be ruling over an Earth devoid of life, there will still be Christians who are not of the Sainthood class and who are not executed for refusing the Mark of the Beast, (Revelation 20), that will be happy to experience Jesus taking over the running of the Earth.

But they will still die for Jesus doesn't end death until the very end of his 1000 reign…”

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What Does The Bible Say About Jesus Coming Back?

There are numerous mentions of Jesus’ return in the Bible that can be studied. Here are just a few and their meaning:

"For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first." (1 Thessalonians 4:16)

This verse assures believers of a powerful and unmistakable return of Christ. Paul emphasizes that Jesus’ arrival will be heralded with great sound and authority. This imagery conveys not only His power but also the hope of resurrection for those who believe in Him, promising an eternal reunion.

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." (John 14:3)

Here, Jesus comforts His disciples by promising a return to bring them into His eternal presence. This verse speaks of Christ's deep care and personal commitment, highlighting the purpose of His return: to unite with His followers. It reminds believers of His faithfulness and the eternal home He prepares for them.

"Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen." (Revelation 1:7)

John’s words describe a visible, undeniable return, emphasizing that everyone—believers and skeptics alike—will witness it. This verse warns of accountability, suggesting that Christ’s return will bring both fulfillment for believers and a reckoning for those who oppose Him. It underscores His justice and the global impact of His return.


the Bible provides clear promises and signs about Jesus’ return, offering believers hope and guidance. Although nobody knows how many days until Jesus comes back to earth, the signs and teachings of Christ encourage Christians to remain vigilant, patient, and prayerful. 

The second coming is portrayed as both a glorious reunion and a time of judgment, reminding us of God’s faithfulness and justice. By studying these passages, believers can gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual and prophetic significance of His return. 

Ultimately, the promise of Jesus' return calls for a life of faith, anticipation, and readiness for the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan.

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