Understanding the Meaning of San Mateo 6:22-23 in the Bible

Updated on Oct 18 20234 min read

Exploring the meaning of biblical verses is a significant aspect of our spiritual journey. One such verse, San Mateo 6:22-23, holds profound wisdom that can guide our lives. Let us delve into the metaphorical meaning of the 'eye,' the relationship between light and darkness, the connection between treasures and the heart, and the call to choose between God and wealth.

The Metaphorical Meaning of the 'Eye'

In San Mateo 6:22-23, Jesus uses the metaphor of the 'eye' to convey a deeper message. Our 'eye' represents our perception and focus in life. Just as a healthy eye allows us to see clearly, having a clear and healthy perspective enables us to discern God's will and truth. However, an unhealthy or 'evil' eye distorts our perception, leading us astray from God's path.

Proverbs 4:25-27 reminds us to 'Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.' By keeping our eyes fixed on God, we can maintain a clear and focused perspective in life. If you're interested in exploring more about the metaphors in the Bible, check out this fascinating article on the multi-dimensional meanings of Bible verses.

The Relationship Between Light and Darkness

Light and darkness are contrasting symbols used throughout the Bible. In San Mateo 6:22-23, Jesus emphasizes the importance of seeking and embracing the light. The 'light' represents righteousness, truth, and God's presence in our lives. By living in the light, we align ourselves with God's ways.

Psalm 119:105 beautifully illustrates this, stating, 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.' When we immerse ourselves in God's Word, we walk in His light and gain clarity in our spiritual journey.

The Connection Between Treasures and the Heart

San Mateo 6:22-23 draws a connection between treasures and the heart. Our 'treasures' represent our priorities and values in life. When we prioritize worldly wealth and possessions over spiritual matters, our hearts become entangled with materialism and greed.

Matthew 6:19-21 advises us, 'Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.' By aligning our treasures with God's kingdom, we cultivate a heart that values eternal treasures rather than temporary worldly gain. In our quest for true healing and hope, we are reminded of the words of Jeremiah 17:14, which say, 'Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.' This verse encapsulates our cry for restoration and deliverance, acknowledging our need for God's healing touch. To explore further on finding healing and hope in God's presence, visit this blog post.

The Call to Choose Between God and Wealth

In San Mateo 6:22-23, Jesus warns against serving two masters—God and wealth. He reminds us that we cannot serve both wholeheartedly. When we prioritize God above worldly wealth, we experience spiritual growth and blessings.

Luke 12:34 states, 'For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.' By placing God as our ultimate treasure, our hearts find fulfillment and peace in His presence.


Understanding the meaning of San Mateo 6:22-23 enables us to align our lives with God's kingdom. By keeping our focus clear, seeking the light, valuing eternal treasures, and choosing God above all else, we embark on a transformative spiritual journey.

May we reflect on these teachings, allowing them to shape our priorities and values. As we prioritize God over worldly wealth, we experience the abundant blessings and fulfillment that come from a life centered on Him.

Additionally, for further insights into the Christian faith, we can explore the profound struggle between sin and righteousness discussed in Romans 7. This pivotal chapter offers deep teachings and powerful messages that can greatly impact our spiritual growth. Feel free to read more about it here.


Q: What does San Mateo 6:22-23 teach us?
A: San Mateo 6:22-23 teaches us about the importance of having a clear perspective, seeking the light, valuing eternal treasures, and choosing God above worldly wealth.

Q: How can we align our treasures with God's kingdom?
A: We can align our treasures with God's kingdom by prioritizing spiritual matters, investing in acts of love and service, and seeking God's guidance in all areas of our lives.

Q: Why is it challenging to serve two masters?
A: Serving two masters, God and wealth, is challenging because our hearts and priorities become divided. It is essential to choose God as our ultimate treasure to experience true fulfillment and peace.

Q: How can we maintain a clear and focused perspective in life?
A: We can maintain a clear and focused perspective by keeping our eyes fixed on God, seeking His wisdom through prayer and studying His Word.