Help, I like two girls and I’m a Christian, what do I do?

Updated on Oct 17 20233 min read

As a Christian, navigating the complexities of relationships can be challenging, especially when you find yourself liking two girls. It's important to seek guidance from biblical principles in matters of the heart. Let's explore some key ideas to help you make a wise decision.

Seeking Godly Counsel and Wisdom

Seeking guidance from mentors or spiritual leaders who have experience in relationships can provide valuable insights. Approach them with honesty and openness, sharing your situation and seeking their wisdom. Proverbs 11:14 reminds us that victory is won through many advisers.

Additionally, fervent prayer is crucial in seeking clarity and discernment. Ask God to guide your heart and thoughts, and pray for wisdom in making the right decision. James 1:5 assures us that God generously gives wisdom to those who ask.

Honesty and Communication

Open and honest conversations are vital in this situation. Be transparent with both girls about your feelings and express your desire to navigate this situation respectfully. Encourage open communication to avoid misunderstandings. Ephesians 4:25 reminds us to speak truthfully and put off falsehood.

It's essential to consider the feelings of the girls involved. Respect their emotions and give them space and time to process their own feelings. Show understanding and compassion towards their decisions, keeping in mind Philippians 2:4, which encourages us to look out for the interests of others.

When it comes to finding the right partner in life, it can be a daunting task. We often wonder how to know if someone is truly the one for us. In the Bible, there may not be specific instructions on this matter, but there is plenty of wisdom and guidance to help us make wise decisions. By seeking God's guidance and following biblical principles, we can navigate the journey of finding a lifelong partner with confidence and discernment. To learn more about seeking God's guidance in relationships, you can read this insightful article on how to know if she is the one.


Q: How do I know which girl is the right one for me?
A: Pray for guidance and discernment, seeking God's will in your decision-making process.

Q: What if both girls have qualities I value?
A: It's important to evaluate compatibility beyond surface-level qualities, focusing on shared values and beliefs.

Q: Should I continue pursuing both girls?
A: It's crucial to communicate openly and honestly with both parties involved, respecting their emotions and decisions.

Q: How can I avoid hurting someone in this situation?
A: By practicing honesty, compassion, and open communication, you can minimize the potential for hurt feelings.