Exploring Our Relationship with God and the Expression of Our Labors

Updated on Apr 01 20244 min read

In the tapestry of faith, our relationship with the Divine is both intricate and profound. Within the Christian tradition, this bond is characterized by notions of reverence, friendship, and an overarching commitment to follow the will of God. Drawing from the rich well of biblical wisdom, this article delves into the dual nature of our spiritual connection with God, who is at once a just and holy figure demanding our humility, as well as a loving Father seeking intimate companionship with His children. Additionally, we explore the delicate balance between showcasing the fruits of our labor to the world and maintaining a sense of humility as taught in the Scriptures. Let us embark on this journey to discover the essence of walking with God and the appropriate expression of our life's work.

Displaying the Fruits of Our Labor

The act of sharing our successes can often be accompanied by an internal conflict, marked by unforeseen guilt. This sentiment may arise from a complex interplay of personal insecurities, societal expectations, and spiritual considerations. The Bible, however, provides a nuanced perspective on this matter. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us, 'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven' (Matthew 5:16). Here, Christ encourages His followers to acknowledge the fruits of their labor, not as a means for self-aggrandizement, but as a testament to God's blessings in their lives. It is a call to use our unique gifts and achievements to reflect God's glory, urging us to examine our motives and to seek divine direction in all our endeavors.

The Resurrection and Great Commission in Mark 16

The sixteenth chapter of Mark's Gospel presents the pivotal event of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It narrates the encounter of the women at the empty tomb and their astonishment at the message delivered by an angel: Jesus has risen. This chapter goes on to describe Jesus' appearances to His disciples post-resurrection and ultimately His Great Commission, a call to 'go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature' (Mark 16:15). The Resurrection and subsequent ascension of Christ are not only foundational to Christian faith but also serve as a powerful impetus for believers to continue His work. These events remind us of the transformative power of the gospel and the responsibility bestowed upon us to spread the message of hope and salvation to the ends of the earth.


This exploration of our spiritual journey has shed light on the complexities and beauty of our relationship with God. It has reaffirmed that our connection with the Divine encompasses deep reverence, heartfelt friendship, and unwavering obedience. As followers of Christ, we are encouraged to openly celebrate the fruits of our labor, provided we do so with the right intentions—to honor and glorify God. As we continue to seek His presence in every aspect of our lives, may we remain mindful of the scriptural teachings that guide us. Through prayer, reflection, and application of these divine principles, we can navigate the path set before us, illuminated by the wisdom of the Word.


Q: What does it mean to have a relationship with God?
A: To have a relationship with God means to walk with Him, know Him, fear Him, and love Him with all your heart, soul, and strength. It involves seeking His will, praying to Him, and glorifying Him in everything you do.

Q: How should we perceive our relationship with God? Is it like a friendship?
A: Our relationship with God is one of reverence, adoration, and submission to His will, yet God also desires an intimate relationship with us, like that of a faithful friend. Jesus exemplifies this by calling us friends in John 15:15, indicating we are meant to know God personally and not merely as servants.

Q: Why do I feel guilty for showing the fruits of my labor to the world?
A: Feelings of guilt can come from various sources, including our own insecurities, societal pressures, or spiritual beliefs. The Bible teaches us to balance humility with recognizing the blessings of our labor. Displaying our achievements is not wrong when our intention is to glorify God, as instructed in Matthew 5:16.

Q: Can you tell me more about Mark 16 and its significance?
A: Mark 16 is a crucial chapter in the Bible that details the resurrection of Jesus Christ, His appearances to the disciples after rising from the dead, and the Great Commission He gave them. This chapter culminates with Jesus' ascension to heaven and is significant for Christians as it confirms Christ's victory over death and the mission to spread the gospel.