Old Testament Dietary Laws: The No-Pork Rule
Alright, let’s start at the beginning—way before bacon, ham, and ribs became weekend barbecue staples. If you were an Israelite living under the Old Testament law, pork wasn’t just a bad food choice, it was forbidden. No exceptions.
And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. (Leviticus 11:7-8, NIV)
Basically, the Israelites were given a long list of animals they could eat (like cows, sheep, and fish with fins and scales) and a list of animals they couldn’t (like pigs, camels, and shellfish).
Pork landed on the no-go list because, according to these laws, it was ritually impure. Deuteronomy 14:8 repeats the same command, just in case anyone needed a reminder.
Now, before you start wondering if God just had something against pigs, there was probably a practical side to this too. Pigs in ancient times weren’t raised in quaint little farms. They ate whatever they found. This, of course, included garbage and dead animals, which could make them a health risk. Some scholars think God’s food laws weren’t just about holiness but also about keeping people from getting sick.
However, these laws weren’t meant for everyone. They were part of the Mosaic Covenant, which was specifically for the Israelites. And that’s where things start to shift when we get to the New Testament.
So, what changed? Did God suddenly decide pork was fine? Or did something bigger happen?
The New Covenant: Is Eating Pork A Sin?
So, if you stopped reading after Leviticus, you’d probably assume that eating pork is still a no-go. But then we get to the New Testament, and suddenly, things take a turn. Jesus and the apostles start shaking things up, and the old dietary restrictions? Let’s just say they don’t stick around.
Jesus Changes The Food Laws
Let’s start with Jesus. In Mark 7, He’s having one of His many heated discussions with the Pharisees. They’re mad because His disciples aren’t following the traditional Jewish handwashing rituals before eating. But instead of apologizing, Jesus changes the conversation:
Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body. (Mark 7:18-19, NIV)
And then Mark adds this little commentary:
In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean. (Mark 7:19, NIV)
Wait, what? That’s a big deal. Jesus isn’t just saying that washing hands before meals isn’t a moral issue—He’s making it clear that food itself doesn’t make someone spiritually unclean. That includes pork.
Peter’s Vision: A Rooftop Revelation
If Jesus’ words weren’t enough, we also have Peter’s famous vision in Acts 10. Peter, a devout Jew, is praying on a rooftop when he suddenly sees a vision of a giant sheet coming down from heaven, filled with all sorts of animals—many of them “unclean” according to Jewish law. Then he hears a voice say:
Get up, Peter. Kill and eat. (Acts 10:13, NIV)
Peter, being Peter, immediately pushes back:
Surely not, Lord! I have never eaten anything impure or unclean. (Acts 10:14, NIV)
And then God drops the real game-changer:
Do not call anything impure that God has made clean. (Acts 10:15, NIV)
Now, to be fair, this vision wasn’t just about food. It was God’s way of telling Peter that the gospel was for everyone, not just the Jewish people. But the fact that God used food laws to make His point? That’s significant.
Paul Weighs In: Freedom Over Rules
By the time we get to Paul’s letters, it’s pretty clear that dietary restrictions are no longer binding for Christians. In Romans 14, Paul tells believers not to argue over what people choose to eat:
One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. (Romans 14:2, NIV)
He follows that up with:
The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace ,and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17, NIV)
So, whether or not you eat pork (or anything else) isn’t what defines your faith. What matters is your relationship with God.
So, Can Christians Eat Pork?
Short answer: Yes. According to the New Testament, the old dietary laws don’t apply to Christians anymore. Jesus declared all foods clean, Peter’s vision reinforced that message, and Paul made it clear that food choices are a matter of personal conviction, not salvation.
But here’s where it gets interesting—not all Christians agree on this. Some still believe avoiding pork is the right thing to do.
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Christian Interpretations: Not Everyone’s Ordering Bacon
So, if the New Testament is pretty clear that Christians can eat pork, why are some believers still saying, “No thanks, I’ll stick to chicken”? Well, like most things in Christianity, interpretations vary. Some groups embrace the “freedom in Christ” approach, while others stick to Old Testament food laws for different reasons. Let’s break it down.
Mainstream Christianity: Pass the Pork, Please
For most Christians—whether Catholic, Protestant, or Evangelical—pork is a total non-issue. They read Jesus’ words in Mark 7, Peter’s vision in Acts 10, and Paul’s letters, and they see a clear message: food laws no longer apply under the New Covenant.
To them, God’s focus shifted from external rules (what you eat, what you wear, how you perform rituals) to internal transformation—faith, love, and obedience to Christ. So whether it’s a pulled pork sandwich or a crispy piece of bacon, most believers don’t give it a second thought.
Seventh-day Adventists: Still Sticking to the Old List
Not all Christians see it that way. Seventh-day Adventists, for example, follow a diet that looks a lot like Old Testament food laws. Many of them avoid pork—not because they think it’s a salvation issue, but because they believe the Old Testament health laws still have practical benefits.
They point to verses like:
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” (1 Corinthians 6:19, NIV)
For them, taking care of their body means eating only the foods God originally approved for human consumption. That means no pork, shellfish, or other “unclean” foods.
Hebrew Roots & Messianic Christians: Following the Torah
Another group that avoids pork is the Hebrew Roots Movement and many Messianic Jews (Jewish believers in Jesus). These Christians believe that while salvation comes through Jesus, the Torah—God’s laws given in the Old Testament—still matters.
They argue that Jesus never abolished the Law but fulfilled it, meaning believers should still follow things like Sabbath-keeping and dietary restrictions. They’ll often quote:
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17, NIV)
For them, avoiding pork isn’t just a health choice—it’s an act of obedience to God’s original instructions.
Some Christians Just Avoid Pork for Health Reasons
Even outside of religious beliefs, some Christians choose to avoid pork just because they think it’s unhealthy. They see studies about how pigs eat anything, how pork can carry parasites, and how it’s linked to higher cholesterol, and they decide to cut it from their diet—not for religious reasons, but just for better health.
And honestly? That’s fair. The Bible doesn’t command Christians to eat pork—it just doesn’t forbid it anymore.
So… Who’s Right?
At the end of the day, this is one of those “personal conviction” issues. If you’re a Christian who enjoys bacon and ribs? You’re free to eat them. If you believe avoiding pork is the best way to honor God? You’re free to do that too.
Paul sums it up best in Romans 14:3:
The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. (NIV)
Basically: eat what you want, respect others’ choices, and focus on what matters—your faith, not your food.
But before we wrap this up, let’s talk about something else people bring up when discussing pork: Is it actually bad for you?
Health Considerations: Is Pork Actually Bad for You?
Alright, so we’ve covered the biblical side of things, but what about science? Some Christians who avoid pork say they’re just following God’s original health plan—after all, He didn’t put pigs on the clean list for a reason, right? Others shrug and say, “If it’s safe to eat and tastes good, what’s the problem?”
There’s a reason pork has a bit of a reputation. Here are some of the most common concerns:
- Pigs eat anything – Unlike cows and sheep, which stick to grass, pigs will eat whatever is in front of them—garbage, dead animals, even their own kind if food is scarce. That means their bodies can carry more toxins and parasites.
- Trichinosis and parasites – Undercooked pork can carry parasites like Trichinella spiralis, which causes a nasty disease called trichinosis. While modern food safety standards have made this rare in many countries, it’s still a concern in places where pork isn’t properly regulated.
- High in cholesterol and fat – Certain cuts of pork (especially bacon and processed meats) are high in saturated fats and cholesterol, which isn’t exactly great for heart health. Some studies have linked processed pork products to an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.
On the flip side, plenty of people argue that pork can be a perfectly fine part of a healthy diet. It's a solid protein source, it does have vitamins (B vitamins, especially B1, or thiamine) and since modern farming is safer, the risks are relatively low.
So, should you eat pork? It depends. If you’re sticking to lean cuts and avoiding the ultra-processed stuff, it’s probably fine. If you’re eating bacon every morning and loading up on pork ribs every weekend… well, your cholesterol levels might want a word with you.
What Does This Have to Do with the Bible?
Interestingly, some Christians see modern science as confirmation that God’s original laws were about more than just religious purity—they might have been practical, too. Maybe He told the Israelites to avoid pork because it was riskier to eat back then, not because pigs were spiritually bad, but because they were physically bad in an era without refrigeration or proper cooking techniques.
At the same time, others argue that Jesus declared all foods clean for a reason, and as long as you eat responsibly, pork isn’t any worse than other meats.
Can Christians eat pork?
Yes, most Christians believe they can eat pork because the New Testament teaches that dietary restrictions from the Old Testament no longer apply (Mark 7:18-19, Acts 10:15).
Does the Bible say not to eat pork?
Yes, in the Old Testament, Leviticus 11:7-8 and Deuteronomy 14:8 forbid eating pork. However, the New Testament declares all foods clean, making this law no longer binding for Christians.
What religion doesn’t eat pork?
Judaism and Islam both prohibit eating pork based on religious teachings. Some Christian groups, like Seventh-day Adventists and Messianic Jews, also avoid it.
Why don’t people eat pork?
Some avoid pork for religious reasons (following Old Testament or Quranic laws), while others skip it due to health concerns, ethical beliefs, or dietary preferences.
Why can Christians eat pork?
Because Jesus and the apostles made it clear that food doesn’t make someone spiritually unclean (Mark 7:19), and Peter’s vision in Acts 10 symbolized that old food laws were no longer required.
Can Catholics eat pork?
Yes, Catholics can eat pork. The Catholic Church does not follow Old Testament dietary restrictions.
Can Orthodox Christians eat pork?
Yes, Orthodox Christians can eat pork. However, during fasting periods like Lent, they may abstain from all meat, including pork.